Ep. 190 – Heartburn Drugs and Risk of Dementia

Good morning dear listeners! Welcome to Episode 190. It is Monday and so Dr. Trayford has an extended episode for us today to discuss the effects of heartburn drugs. Studies have shown that taking antacids for long periods of time can increase the chances of Dementia by 40%. It is important to find out if the heartburn that the patient is experiencing is the symptom of an underlying issue. If there is a physiological cause that can be addressed then it would be better to do so rather than simply treating the symptom indefinitely, especially now that extended use of heartburn drugs has been linked to Dementia. We hope this information helps you make the best possible decision about your health. Have a great day!

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If you have any concerns regarding the information and applications discussed in this podcast, please consult your physician and a doctor who is experienced in functional neurology. Michael Trayford DC, DACNB is available for consultation by calling (828) 708-5274. Thanks for listening.

Links for this episode:

Dr. Trayford recommends John Ratey’s excellent book on exercise: Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

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